Book Release East Village Closed

Billy The Artist Book Release: East Village Closed

11/09/21 News, Talent
Billy The Artist (BTA), the Manhattan-based creator, released a new book called "East Village Closed" - with images from the East Village during lockdown.
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Alexa Meade SpaceX Exhibit

09/16/21 News, Talent
Alexa Meade’s video art piece, Aura, will make history by being among the first works of art exhibited in space.
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Get lit with iLUMINATE: the Ultimate Vegas Night Out!

08/16/21 News, Talent
When 10pm rolls around, it's time to Get Lit with iLuminate! Come party with the best new act in America in a mind-blowing multi-sensory experience.
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Billy The Artist joins CowParade in New York City

08/16/21 News, Talent
Billy The Artist (BTA), the Manhattan-based creator, says this year’s CowParade feels like a homecoming.
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