William Close is the inventor of hundreds of instruments, including the world’s biggest harp, Rick Damigella reports for CNN. Close had a full day of filming and being interviewed by CNN. Close: “We shot for 5 hours up at my studio in Malibu… I love this shot they got of the Earth Harp strings and tuning blocks moving in the breeze and the music.”
The full interview can be viewed on CNN.com.
William studied sculpture and sound design at the Art Institute of Chicago and his work explores the connection between architecture and music. Inspired by the Frank Lloyd Wright quote “architecture is frozen music”, Close creates musical installations that use the architecture as part of the instrument. The Earth Harp has been installed in some of the most iconic destinations in the world such as The Coliseum in Rome, The Kennedy Center and Lincoln Center in the US, The Seattle Space Needle, the temples of Vietnam, Grand Theater of Shanghai International Arts Festival, Brazil’s Theatro Municipal in São Paulo, The Dhow Harbour in Qatar, and major US festivals like Coachella, Bumbershoot, Burning Man and Lightning In A Bottle.
Close has also created a couple permanent Earth Harp installations, one as part of Cirque du Soleil’s show “Ka” at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, the other as part of a 1,300 seat theater aboard the Royal Caribbean International’s ship Quantum of the Seas. William is the Founder and Artistic Director of the Earth Harp Collective, an internationally renowned performance group that combines the creative forces of artists, musicians, dancers and aerialists.