Show & Tell
These days, climbing that corporate ladder is more challenging than it has ever been. In order to find the balance of skills and determination necessary to reach the top, you have to be willing to take some risks.
It takes teamwork, and you’ll definitely need to become an expert at multi-tasking. You may need to travel around the world. There are always too many hoops to jump through, phone calls to make, and barely enough time for your hobbies. You’ll become one with your computer, and there will be times when you’ll need to be juggling all of it at the same time!
Multi tasking is a challenge everyone faces, and as jugglers, we can offer a bit of advice. First, be sure you have achieved excellence at each task, otherwise you’ll never be able to do them all together. Second, there will be moments when one task requires most of your focus, while other things need to be put briefly on autopilot. But be sure you don’t ignore any one thing too long, or it may all come crashing down! Rely on others to help you accomplish your goal, because their expertise can help you do things you couldn’t do without them.
Finally, have fun, and don’t take things too seriously. Because what’s the point of climbing any ladder, if you’re not enjoying the climb!
Extra Credit
Notice how Jon is up on the ladder, and Owen is safely on the ground? About two years ago, Owen fell when a ladder slipped from under him, and he now has titanium parts due to a shattered calcaneus (heel bone). After two months off of performing, and many more months of physical therapy, Owen has decided to let Jon do the tricks that have anything to do with a ladder. How many jugglers does it take to screw in a light bulb? If it’s really high, the answer is: one.
Until next time, keep it all going, and climb that ladder!
Jon Wee & Owen Morse
The Passing Zone