The Passing Zone

Show. And Tell. with The Passing Zone, issue #34

03/09/18 News, Talent
As you see from ESPN's "Amazing Games" footage, a lesser-known four-minute mile goal was achieved by a group of four professional jugglers (Owen Morse, Jon Wee, Albert Lucas, and Tuey Wilson), on the track of the UCLA campus, on July 20th, 1990. The previous two years, we had “joggled” (running while juggling) a four-person mile relay, at the International Jugglers’ Association annual convention, hoping to break that four-minute mark.
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KATIE.SHOW | EP 77: Zero Mass Water — New Environmental Technology

01/22/18 News, Talent
Drinking water is something that we often take for granted. In areas where this resource is scarce, why not turn to Mother Nature to help us naturally solve this problem? In this episode of Katie.Show, Katie Linendoll explores the innovative technology of Zero Mass Water
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On Your Feet: Just Ask Them - Part II

01/17/18 News, Talent
What will you try to make your next presentation just what your audience needs?
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